Hourly Rate
Please inquire for current pricing per session. St. Nicholas Counselling has been built upon the principle of offering quality therapy at an affordable rate, so no one has ever been turned away for lack of funds. A sliding scale is offered for students, and pro bono work can be negotiated for a period of time if you are experiencing financial distress in your life. What matters most is that you are in therapy as often as you need if you desire to be there and you feel you have a genuine need for it.
Sliding Scale
A sliding scale is offered to students. Life as a student is overwhelming, and students are often not given enough credit for the amount of pressure they experience in their daily lives. Many students have come through the doors of St. Nicholas Counselling and have experience success in their studies and overall lives as a result of being in therapy during their student years. Therapy and academic learning often go very well together since they are both a form of self-discovery.
While many insurance companies do cover therapy, many do not, and so insurance coverage is not guaranteed. If you desire for your therapy to be covered by your insurance provider, it is good practice to contact your provider to ask them about the possibility of coverage. They will usually ask you to submit your receipts from your sessions in order for them to process your request. Receipts for services rendered are provided to all clients upon request.